NEW TALENT! These Books Are Definitely Worth Checking Out!

The Days of My Life

By Jeannette Ellwood


The Days Of My Life Photo


A quirky exotic family experiences danger, adventure and turbulance at a time when the world as we knew it was turning upsidedown.

‘I was born in a lunatic asylum…’ into a family of seven. We loved my escapee Russian aunt who absent mindedly left the family jewels in a Moscow railway station, we admired an uncle who tried to commit suicide outside the family home by shooting himself in the foot, and we hugged my darling Uncle Ted who managed to smuggle fireworks from the French Resistance into the blackout dark basement of a house in London at war in order to make his little sister happy. We lived in the turbulent times before WWl and survived the assault of WWll and carried on the fight for right into the 21st century by joining the UN peacekeeping force in Kosovo. We met with the great and the good and the great and the bad. We faced guns and mountain mists aided refugees, drove along roads laced with mines and gave help in refugee camps. We achieved and we failed. My family, my life.


The Days of My Life

By Jeannette Ellwood

This is an outstanding first chapter. Rarely does an author so courageously expose truths, realities, day to day struggles, hopes, and fears under Germany’s invasion in the UK. What excellent narration from a first-hand perspective.

Backed and awarded high stars.




The Secrets Of The Forest “Cosmos 501”

By Neville Kent

Dangers confront Esmeralda and young Tommy, after discovering ‘Cosmos 501’ in the garden.

*Second book in the series* ‘The Secrets Of The Forest’ .

Twelve- year- old- Tommy, continues to learn more as he delves into Esmeralda’s mysterious and wonderful ‘Red Book.’ A strange door appears after the ground collapses in Esmeralda’s garden, leading to Cosmos 501 and first contact with the crackling voice.

They re- visit The Keeper of the Forest asking for any help he can give regarding Cosmos 501.

Mr. Keeper explains the setting up of the ‘Time Zone’ by past visitor’s to Earth. The trio gain access to the ‘All seeing eye’ and learn of the powerful force behind it all.

Contact with a higher life form? Yes, it’s all possible on this visit.

Esmeralda, Tommy, and Saber the cat, travel once again on the underground network system but for different reasons than they had before.

Tommy’s second visit to see Mr. Keeper is fraught with danger. They seek answers to serious questions about the very nature of the ‘Time Zone’.

‘Cosmos 501 is complete. Only the first 12 Chapters have been uploaded for viewing.


The Secrets Of The Forest “Cosmos 501”

By Neville Kent

The Secrets Of tThe Forrest Neville Kent


“An incantation or enchantment is a charm or spell created using words!” and you manage to do this flawlessly in this wonderfully written fairytale – my inner child was brought out as soon as I started reading and I soon found I couldn’t stop. I read the whole 12 chapters in one sitting captivated, intrigued and lost in this incredibly endearing story of these adorable characters.

I can envisage that it’s just a matter of time before these delightful stories are published and available worldwide.

High stars & WL

Guest Blog: Five Fascinating Facts about A. A. Milne

Interesting Literature

In this special guest post, Simon Thomas from Shiny New Books looks into the interesting life and work of Alan Alexander Milne, creator of Winnie-the-Pooh…

1. A.A. Milne had a famous schoolteacher. A.A. Milne’s father John ran a small boys’ school, Henley House, and one of the teachers he employed was a young H.G. Wells. Wells was a few years away from publishing his first novel, The Time Machine, when he had a post at Henley House 1889-90 and taught Milne mathematics. It obviously rubbed off, as that was the subject Milne read at Cambridge.

2. He wrote a very prescient play about Christopher Robin. Almost. Before the success of Winnie the Pooh et al, and indeed before Christopher Robin was born, Milne was a very successful playwright. One of his early plays was The Great Broxopp, about the resentment a child felt against the father who had used…

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I Am Ryland: From a Little Girl Who Didn’t Become a Boy

lindsay leigh bentley

I have been shying away from highly controversial topics on this blog recently because I just couldn’t take the drama that naturally associates with it.  But I keep hearing the story of Ryland, a child who was born a female, whose parents have transitioned her to male at 5 years old.  You can see the full story HERE, but in short, because their daughter identified herself as a boy, and liked “boy” things as opposed to “girl” things, they cut off her hair, bought her “boy” clothes, and have begun telling her, and others, that she is a boy.

I have no degree in early childhood development, nor have I studied psychology.  I didn’t even graduate from College.

I am also not here to pass judgement on Ryland’s parents.  I believe that they are doing what they believe to be the most loving thing for their child.  I’m simply sharing my…

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